Home > America > Brazil > Itacare > ITACARE' SURF PACK > SURFING IN ITACARE'
Brazil, Itacare
The coastline of Itacare' in Brazil has white beaches stretching for miles and small sheltered beaches, surrounded by hills and rainforests. As a result, the region hosts a wide variety of spots for all levels, from beginner to professional. Many of these spots are only surfed by a few surfers because of their remote location and limited access.
The quality and quantity of the spots and the frequency of the waves make Itacare' an ideal destination for surfing the whole year!
PontalDuring the Brazilian winter (May to September), with swell and wind from the South, Pontal offers excellent waves, even tubing, for intermediate and advanced surfers. |
Boca da barraWith big winter swells, Boca da Barra offers one of the longest waves in Brazil. An impressive right that rolls out for 1,000-2,000 meters, in the middle of Pontal's beach. |
CoraisFanatic of tubes? Corais is definitely your favorite spot! With clean swell from the east, this spot offers long, perfect tubes, right and left, with low tide. |
TiriricaPraia da Tiririca hosts the local surf scene and offers short, vertical and fast waves, almost 365 days a year. Spot not suitable for beginners, as it is very crowded and with lots of current. |
PrainhaPrainha, a beautiful beach with a right hander wave among the most spectacular in the region and a left which can often provide perfect tubes. |
EngenhocaEngenhoca is the main longboard peak at Itacaré thanks to its softer and longer waves. Often our surf school chooses this beach. |